Kave, ujsag, cornflakes, ilyesmi. Buli, fanta, haverok. Ja nem, az nem volt.
Annal sokkal jobb otletem tamadt. De ehhez tudni kell, hol vagyok, ugyhogy akkor talan el is arulom. Kfar Achimban, egy kicsi faluban, igazi faluban; allatok, novenyek, nyugalom. Es hogy kicsit egyedul legyek es atgondoljam az utobbi idoszak lelki viharait, elindultam reggel, es 2 es fel oran keresztul mentem-mendegeltem a faluhoz kozeli gyumolcsosben.
Ez az ido pont arra volt eleg, hogy majdnem bekeruljek abba a jo kis gondolkozos hangulatba. Szoval azert a legrovidebb Caminotol is igen messze volt ez. Viszont meghozta a kedvemet es a batorsagomat ennel hosszab turakhoz. Meg persze azert gondolkoztam is kicsit. Pl. azon, hogy vajon melyik faluban fogok kierni a barack es granatalmafak vegelathatatlan soraibol.
Delutan megallapitottam, hogy Kiriat Malachi egy biztos pontja az eletemnek. Az elmult 15 evben ott semmi sem valtozott. Ennek oromere rogton vettem is egy kis uveg vizet 6 sekelert. A szuperben 4-ert masfel litert kapni. Mindegy, ez belefer.
Kicsit kesobb volt nagy palacsintasutes, aztan pedig rovid eszmecsere a jemeni-askenaz baratsag jegyeben.
Holnap pedig var Jeruzsalem.
Still here on this upsetting keyboard... but never mind. Had a nice and relaxing day anyway. A perfect first day.
Yesterday i thought i was so tired. Nevertheless this morning i surprised myself and jumped out of bed at 7 o'clock (yeah, i know it's hard to believe).
Quick coffee, newspaper, cornflakes. No, not quick, in fact it was very slow. No reason to rush. I am in Kfar Achim; a small village with animals, plants, peace and quiet.
After the emotional storms of the past few weeks (or at least days) today i thought it would be good to be completely alone for a bit and just think. So i went out walking for 2 and a half hours in the fields surrounding the village. This time was barely enough to get me into the thinking mood.
Not even to be compared even to the shortest Camino. But now i know i could do a longer tour. And hopefully i will some day, some place. Maybe somewhere, over the rainbow.
Of course i was thinking while i walked; or rather i was wondering if i will end up in the right village when i get out from between the never-ending apricot and pomegranate trees. After all i did.
In the afternoon I got to the conclusion that the town of Kiriat Malachi is one of the few things in my life that hasn't changed even a bit in the past 15 years. I was so relieved I quickly bought a small bottle of water for 6 shekels. In the supermarket i could've gotten a liter and a half for 4. Doesn't matter.
Later on I made pancakes (Hungarian specialty for my Israeli relatives and friend) and had a nice chat with some Yemenite folks.
And tomorrow – the holy city is waiting for me.
ReplyDeleteNahát, hogy irigyellek! Jeruzsálemben én is sétálnék egyet :))