A 24 órás buszút horror volt, az apartman gánya, az idegenvezető kritikán aluli, a görögök pedig megőrültek a válságtól.
A tengerpart persze szép volt, de sajnos pont nem azon a részen, ahol mi voltunk.
This year we went to another Greek island, Lefkada. And we were not at all satisfied. Maybe Corfu was too good last year. Maybe we went on a way too cheap trip this time.
The 24 hours long bus ride was a horror, the apartment we stayed at was disgousting, the tourguide didn't do anything, and the greeks went crazy from the economical situation.
The beach was of course beautiful, but unfortunately not where we were.
Ez a híd vezet át Lefkadára.
This is the bridge leading to Lefkada.
A lepukkant apartmanunk. Barna színben látható a konyha.
Our run-down apartment. The brown thing is the kitchen.
A kis cuki erkély.
The little cute balcony.
És a kilátás róla.
And the view from it.
A legviccesebb nevű panzió.
The place with the funniest name. Genny means pus in Hungarian.
Egy szép hajó.
Nice ship, isn't it.
Egy koszos vízesés a falunktól 3 km-re.
A dirty waterfall 3 km away from our village.
Lefkada város kis utcája.
A little street of Lefkada city.
Beverly 250
Ezzel a komppal mentünk át Meganisi szigetére.
We took this ferry to the island of Meganisi.
Ez volt a legszebb tengerpart, amit láttunk.
This was the nicest beach we saw.
Ja, meg ez is.
And this one too.
Leszakadt az ágyam.
My bed broke.
Viszont jó szél volt a sárkányozáshoz.
But there was good wind for kite flying.
Henna a hátamon.
Henna on my back.
Cicus a kerben.
Cute kitten in the garden.
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